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FEB 13 1985 <br />Boor, 59 F Lai 854 <br />Vice Chairman Scurlock pointed out that we originally moved <br />the boat ramp from the entranceway to the Zaremba Corporation <br />project as a help to them, as well as to the orchid Isle people, <br />and if Zaremba Corporation had acted in a timely manner, we would <br />have had the new ramp by now. Secondly, it was his personal <br />opinion that a side by side boat launching situation is a very <br />poor arrangement which can lead to problems. Thirdly, he wished <br />to know how we would establish the monetary contribution. <br />Administrator Wright stated it would be based primarily on <br />construction costs. <br />Vice Chairman Scurlock suggested that we take the original <br />design and equate the cost to that, and the Administrator <br />believed actual construction of the ramp as originally proposed <br />was somewhat less than $15,000, and this would be in excess of <br />what it would cost us to expand the ramp. <br />Vice Chairman Scurlock was not in favor of extending the old <br />ramp as he felt the whole point was to have an additional <br />facility. He emphasized that he was looking for a solution where <br />we end up with an additional ramp somewhere on that causeway, and <br />whatever it costs is Zaremba's problem for causing the delay. <br />Commissioner Bowman wished to know why the north side of the <br />causeway was overlooked as a site for a launching ramp. <br />Engineer Don Finney informed the Board that staff did look <br />at different locations all along the causeway, and it was found <br />that the north side is very shallow and has oyster beds and grass <br />beds. They also looked underneath the bridge, and that was not <br />feasible because of parking requirements and the fact that it is <br />a cable crossing. Mr. Finney believed the only possible site, <br />other than the existing ramp was the subect site, which the Board <br />approved at a time when there were no grass beds there. <br />Administrator Wright felt what we are looking at is <br />expanding the existing site into a dual launching facility and <br />dividing it in the middle. <br />12 <br />- M M <br />