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M r M <br />Commissioner Bowman commented that we have had seven or more <br />alternatives given us, and she felt we may need a special <br />committee to study this. <br />Chairman Lyons noted that no matter what happens we are not <br />going to have facilities to meet the requirements of the Jail <br />Inspector either by Friday or 90 days from Friday. We will be in <br />violation, but he did not feel we should panic. <br />Commissioner Bird noted some good alternatives have been <br />offered today, and stated he would like to try to initiate as <br />many of these as we can as a first step and then consider <br />additional housing as a second step. <br />Chairman Lyons felt strongly that if it is decided we must <br />have additional housing, it should be done in the way that is <br />most efficient and makes the.most sense for the long run so that <br />it can become an integral part of the jail system. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked if we can also look into a <br />stockade type thing and possibly have a cooperative effort with <br />St. Lucie or another county. He favored a joint approach <br />somewhere that can be done collectively. <br />Chairman Lyons pointed out that the facility cost is the <br />smallest part of the overall costs involved. The man hours spent <br />running back and forth must be considered, and there are problems <br />with a remote location unless people are sentenced for a long <br />period of time. <br />Commissioner Wodtke believed that standards are dramatically <br />different for minimum security, and possibly we could continue to <br />utilize the old jail. <br />Chairman Lyons stated that is the last thing he would want <br />to do. <br />He <br />could <br />live with putting <br />something <br />temporary <br />where the <br />new jail <br />is <br />going <br />to be, but he did <br />not want <br />to start <br />by having <br />two jails or we will live with that cost forever. <br />Commissioner Bird expressed his agreement that anything we <br />build should be something permanent for the future. He asked if <br />the Administrator needed a list of specific instructions. <br />13 <br />APR 111985, BOOK 60 F,� u.553 <br />