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BOOK 60 PArAffl <br />PROCLAMATION - OLDER AMERICAN MONTH <br />The Chairman read the following proclamation aloud and <br />presented copies to Tom Buchanan of the Vero Beach Chapter of the <br />AARP, Edward Gass of the Sebastian Chapter, and Mary DiAngelo of <br />the Council on Aging. <br />P R O C L A M A T I O N <br />WHEREAS, today's older citizens have molded and nurtured the <br />world in which we live and they will act as a positive force for <br />change in the future by continuing to build bridges between young <br />and old and by helping the community to prepare itself for the <br />future when a still greater percentage- of its residents will be <br />older; and <br />WHEREAS, OLDER AMERICANS lead lives of independence, dignity <br />and purpose, and when called upon, cheerfully give of their time, <br />talents and money; their experience, wisdom and caring are vital <br />to our hopes of rehumanizing the world and correcting its <br />wavering direction; and <br />WHEREAS, the members of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR RETIRED <br />PERSONS - VERO BEACH CHAPTER $1406, and the NORTH INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY CHAPTER $3234, along with the INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COUNCIL <br />ON AGING are taking part in the affairs of our community and <br />making significant contributions to the well-being of our <br />citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, OLDER AMERICANS perform many services as volunteers <br />for various charitable organizations 'among them being the <br />AMBULANCE SQUAD, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY, RED CROSS, MEALS ON WHEELS; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, OLDER AMERICANS have held and are holding various. <br />public offices, among them being service on the following public <br />boards, CITY COUNCIL; COUNTY COMMISSION; PARKS AND RECREATION <br />COMMITTEE; PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION; FINANCE ADVISORY <br />COMMITTEE; TRANSPORTATION PLANNING COMMITTEE; HOUSING FINANCE <br />AUTHORITY: <br />C <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, assembled in <br />regular session this 24th day of April, 1985 that the month of <br />MAY, 1985 be designated as <br />"OLDER AMERICANS MONTH" <br />and <br />BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED, that the Board expresses its <br />appreciation to the County's OLDER AMERICANS, and most <br />Particularly to the members of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR <br />RETIRED PERSONS, VERO BEACH CHAPTER and the NORTH INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY CHAPTER and to the INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING. <br />ATTEST: <br />Freda Wright, C3erk <br />15 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />t c B. yons h firman <br />I <br />