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r-JUN19 195 <br />BOOK. I F"rF 264 <br />east of U.S. 1, south of 11th Street SE, and north of 11th <br />Place SE, from C-1, Commercial District, to C-2, Heavy Commer- <br />cial District. <br />The applicants would like to further develop the property for <br />boat sales which are permitted in the C-2 district but not in <br />the C-1 district. <br />On May 9, 1985, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted <br />5 -to -0 to recommend approval of this request. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />In this section, an analysis of the reasonableness of the <br />application will be presented. The analysis will include a <br />description of the current and future land uses of the site <br />and surrounding areas, potential impacts on the transportation <br />and utility systems, and any significant adverse impacts on <br />environmental quality. <br />EXISTING LAND USE PATTERN <br />The subject property contains Tommy's Transmission Shop, two <br />mobile homes, and outdoor storage of various automobiles and <br />boats. North of the subject property is a vacant parcel of <br />land and the Rural Sanitation Service facilities which are <br />zoned C-1. Further north, is a mobile home park zoned RMH-8, <br />Mobile Home Residential District (up to 8 units/acre). East of <br />the subject property are four mobile homes and a flea market <br />zoned C-1. South of the subject property are J.B.'s Takeout, <br />Satellite T.V. Systems, and Newcomb Decorating zoned C-1. West <br />of the subject property, across U.S. 1, is undeveloped land <br />zoned M-1, Restricted Industrial District. <br />FUTURE LAND USE PATTERN <br />The Comprehensive Plan generally designates the subject <br />property and the land north, east, and south of it as LD -2, <br />Low -Density Residential 2 (up to 6 units/acre). The land west <br />of the subject property , across U.S. 1, is designated as part <br />of the U.S. 1 MXD, Mixed -Use Corridor (up to 6 units/acre). <br />In addition, there is an 80 acre commercial node at the inter- <br />section of U.S. 1 and Oslo Road. During the public hearings on <br />the Comprehensive Plan, it was generally agreed that the <br />southern boundary of the node would be the drainage ditch <br />lying south of and parallel to 12th Place SE which corresponds <br />to the C-1 zoning district boundary. This would include the <br />subject property and the land around it in the node. <br />Based on the existing use of <br />immediately adjacent to it, <br />be more appropriate for the <br />C-1 zoning. <br />TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM <br />the subject property and the land <br />the C-2 zoning district seems to <br />subject property than the existing <br />The subject property has direct access to U.S. 1 (classified <br />as an arterial street on the thoroughfare plan) and to 11th <br />Street SE and 11th Place SE (classified as local streets). The <br />maximum development of the subject property under C-2 zoning <br />could attract up to 223 Average Annual Daily Trips (AADT). <br />ENVIRONMENT <br />The subject property is not designated as environmentally <br />sensitive nor is it in a flood -prone area. <br />16 <br />