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4/23/2018 1:44:45 PM
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12/9/2015 11:01:55 AM
Official Documents
Official Document Type
Second Amendment
Approved Date
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Agenda Item Number
Entity Name
Florida Department Environmental Protection.
Division of Water Restoration Assistamce
Amendment No.2 to FDEP Grant Agreement 141R2
Dune Repair Project
Hurricane Repair Project
Sector 3
Project Number
Agreement #141R2
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TASK 3.0 Construction <br />Task Description: This task includes work performed and costs incurred associated with the placement of fill <br />material and/or the construction of erosion control structures within the PROJECT area. The task includes work <br />associated with eligible beach restoration construction associated with the PROJECT such as those costs approved <br />through bids and construction -phase engineering and monitoring services. Eligible costs may include mobilization, <br />demobilization, construction observation or inspection services, beach fill, tilling and scarp removal, erosion <br />control structures, dune stabilization measures and native beach -dune vegetation. Construction shall be conducted <br />in accordance with any and all permits issued by the DEPARTMENT. The Grantee will submit a construction <br />activity package for task work completed during the period. The construction activity package must include: <br />(1) An itemized summary of the materials, labor, or services to identify the nature of the work <br />performed; the amount expended for such work; the name of the person/entity providing the service or <br />performing the work; and proof of payment of the invoices, the period activity was performance; and <br />(2) A certification signed by the Grantee's Project Manager as to the current cost of the PROJECT; <br />that the materials, labor, or services represented by the invoice have been satisfactorily purchased or <br />performed and applied to the PROJECT; that all funds expended to date have been applied toward <br />completing the PROJECT; and <br />(3) A certification signed and sealed by the Engineer responsible for overseeing construction stating <br />that equipment, materials, labor and services represented by the construction invoices have been <br />satisfactorily invoiced, purchased, received, approved and applied to the PROJECT, as described in the <br />Grant Work Plan, in accordance with construction contract documents; that payment is in accordance with <br />construction contract provisions; and that construction, up to the point of the request, is in compliance <br />with the contract documents; and identifying all additions or deletions to the PROJECT which have altered <br />the PROJECT's performance standards, scope, or purpose since the issuance of the DEPARTMENT <br />construction permit. <br />Performance Standard: The DEPARTMENT's Project Manager will review the construction activity package to <br />verify that work is being performed in accordance with the construction contract documents and specifications in <br />this task description <br />3.1 Emergency Dune Nourishment- Orchid Beach <br />In coordination with Indian River County, the Town of Orchid Beach awarded a construction contract to the lowest <br />qualified bidder for emergency dune stabilization for the Orchid Beach section of the Sector 3 Project to address <br />damages sustained during Hurricane Sandy. Eligible costs include mobilization, demobilization, beach fill, permit <br />compliance, beach tilling, and native beach -dune vegetation. The Town and the County have an interlocal <br />agreement to provide reimbursement to the Town, who acted on behalf of the county during the emergency <br />situation. <br />Deliverable A: Copy of All Periodic Certified Pay invoices as submitted by Contractor and approved by The <br />Town of Orchid. <br />Total Cost: $270,393 ($135,196.50 — DEPARTMENT funds). <br />Due Date: January 30, 2017. Task is 100% complete. <br />DEP Agreement No. 14IR2, Amendment No. 2, Attachment A, Page 3 of 6 <br />
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