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rOCT 21985 <br />i <br />IRCI agrees to: <br />BQoK 62 PAGE3 02. <br />1. Provide the Refuse Department with a minimum of one minimum custody inmate during <br />the normal work week. Inmate is subject to emergency work; <br />2. To the maximum extent possible, assign the same inmate to the Refuse Department <br />work crew on a day-to-day basis. In those situations where the same inmate cannot . <br />be assigned, minimum custody alternates will be provided. <br />3. To provide inmate with all personal items of clothing, appropriate to the'season <br />of the year and with lunches for a noon meal. <br />4. To provide inmate physically able to perform manual labor. <br />5. -Provide transportation back to IRCI for inmate that refuses to work or becomes <br />incapacitated during workday. Where possible, provide.a replacement,when this <br />occurs. <br />6. Be responsible for apprehending escapees. <br />7. Be responsible for administering all disciplinary action against inmate for, <br />infractions committed while under the Refuse Department's supervision. <br />8. Notify the Refuse Department in writing of any event where the Refuse Department <br />inmate supervisor fails to provide proper inmate supervision. <br />9. Provide orientation for Refuse Department inmate supervisor. <br />IRCI and Refuse Department mutually agree to: <br />1. To designate IRCI and Refuse Department employee to be contact for coordinating <br />daily operations, problems, etc. <br />2. To assist each other in any or all civil liabilities resulting from inmate <br />supervision. <br />IRCI contact will be the Administration Lieutenant: 569-5100 (205) SC 454-5484 <br />Refuse Department contact wil be Rex Hailey, Superintendent <br />Parks and Recreation <br />589-9223 <br />This Memorandum of Agreement constitutes the complete understanding between IRCI <br />and the Refuse Department for the use of inmate labor. <br />Ind n'ver Correctio al stitution Date <br />10-2-85. <br />n, Indian River Co u ty Commission Date <br />Dire tor, ion IV Date <br />12 <br />