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OCT 16 1985� , <br />X431 <br />their minds and propose something that is legally defensible and <br />legally enforceable. <br />Commissioner Scurlock had a real concern about expanding a <br />node before the vacant land within the node is developed and not <br />having any assurance that the new guy on the block whom you are <br />expanding the node for is or isn't going to go ahead and <br />aggressively pursue the projects after the rezoning. He <br />suggested that perhaps they might wish to address that also. <br />Attorney Clem stated he would be happy to address all of <br />those items, as much as they possibly can at a rezoning and nodal <br />change meeting. <br />Chairman Lyons realized that this neighborhood is very <br />disturbed and wished this matter to be brought to a head as <br />quickly as possible so people can go back to sleeping at nights <br />and feel less concern about this whole affair. He asked Attorney <br />Clem how long he felt it would take to get this matter settled <br />one way or another. <br />Attorney Clem wished it to be rescheduled as soon as <br />possible, perhaps next Wednesday, October 23rd. <br />Richard Shearer, Chief of Long -Range Planning, had a problem <br />with that date, because based on the new Florida statutes that <br />took effect on October 1, 1985, the County can only look at <br />amendments to the Comp Plan twice per calendar year, and noted <br />that we are stretching it for the last three months of 1985. The <br />State has given the Board permission to look at it on two <br />separate occasions between October 1st and December 31st. <br />Commissioner Scurlock suggested we open the public hearing <br />and then continue it, but Mr. Shearer advised that on December 4, <br />1985, they will be receiving another group of Comp Plan amendment <br />applications and Planning has asked the applicant to reschedule <br />it for that date, which will give them adequate time and will <br />give staff time to readvertise and send out new notices to the <br />surrounding property owners. <br />39 <br />