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Existina Land Use Pattern <br />BOOB - C. PAGE 6 <br />All of the uses currently located in the area of the Roseland <br />Tourist Commercial Node are zoned C-1, Commercial District. <br />There is currently a bowling alley, a gas station and auto body <br />shop, an auto parts store, a motel and lounge, a beauty shop, a <br />real estate office, and a retail/office complex located in the <br />node area. There are approximately ten (10) acres of vacant land" <br />available for future development based on the proposed boundaries <br />of this node. <br />Environment <br />The node area is not designated as environmentally sensitive nor <br />is it in a flood -prone area. The node is located on the sand <br />ridge, which is a primary aquifer recharge area, and the soils <br />are excessively well drained. <br />Utilities <br />County water and sewer facilities are not available in the node <br />area at the present time. <br />Transportation System <br />The primary means of access to most of the property located in <br />the node area is U.S. Highway #1 (classified as an arterial on <br />the Thoroughfare Plan). Some of the properties also have access <br />to Bay Street (classified as a local street) and N. Indian River <br />Drive (classified as a local street). <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the above analysis, including the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's recommendation, staff recommends that the proposed <br />boundaries of the twenty-five (25) acre Tourist Commercial Node <br />located on U.S. #1 in the Roseland area be adopted by the Board <br />of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Wodtke inquired about the process of notifica- <br />tion followed when these nodal boundaries are finalized. <br />Planner Goulet advised that notice is published in the <br />newspaper as required by the Comprehensive Plan, and Administra- <br />tor Wright confirmed that staff does not normally notify the <br />owners within the node, but felt that they should start doing <br />this. <br />Director Keating inquired if the Board was indicating that <br />everyone within a certain distance should be notified also, and <br />Administrator Wright confirmed that this would be done even <br />though it will be expensive. <br />Commissioner Wodtke felt it would be only fair that people <br />have an opportunity for some input when they are either going to <br />be included or excluded from a node, and Commissioner Scurlock <br />60 <br />