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Staff Planner Stan Boling made the following presentatio <br />and recommendation: <br />TO: The Honorable Members DATE: December 5, 1985 FILE: <br />of the Board of County <br />Commissioners <br />DIVISION HEAD CONCURRENCE: CONCEPTUAL PRD SPECIAL <br />SUBJECT: EXCEPTION APPROVAL FOR <br />GENESEA WEST PLANNED <br />Rober M, Keatlg, RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT <br />Planning & Deve opme t Director <br />THROUGH:" Michael K. Miller <br />,,IAChief, Current Development Section <br />FROM: Stan Boling 461 REFERENCES: D <br />Staff Planner Disk: STAN2 <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at their <br />regular meeting of December 18, 1985. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS: <br />Salama Development Inc., Pradip Manek, President, through its <br />agent, Lloyd & Associates, is requesting conceptual PRD plan <br />special exception approval to allow a layout that deviates from <br />the RS -3 district lot dimension and setback requirements. The <br />project site, located on the west side of S.R. A -1-A about 1/2 <br />mile south of the Moorings, consists of a total of 24 acres: <br />14 acres of uplands and 10 acres of environmentally sensitive <br />impounded wetlands. The applicant is requesting deviations <br />from the normal RS -3 requirements in an effort to take full <br />advantage of a potential transfer of development rights (TDR) <br />from the project's wetland portions to its upland portions. <br />At the present time, the right to develop the 10 acres of <br />wetlands cannot be transferred to the uplands due to the <br />barrier island moratorium. Under the existing RS -3 zoning, the <br />uplands area can already be developed at up to 3 units/acre. <br />The moratorium limits development to upland areas at no more <br />than 3 units/acre. Therefore, the proposed 10 unit density <br />transfer from the 10 acres of wetlands to the 14 acres of <br />uplands would result in an upland density of ±3.7 units/acre. <br />Until such time that the moratorium is lifted, the density <br />transfer cannot be approved. <br />The proposed conceptual plan shows 42 lots, the maximum number <br />of lots currently allowed on the 14 acres of uplands. The <br />proposed plan also shows a Tract "C" wherein the developer <br />proposes to transfer the right to develop up to 10 units, at <br />such time that the moratorium is lifted. Any future transfer <br />of development rights over and above the currently allowable 42 <br />units, would have to be approved via a major modification to an <br />approved conceptual plan. Therefore, the PRD process would <br />have to be re-initiated by the applicant for any future <br />transfer of development rights. <br />The applicant is requesting that the Board of County <br />Commissioners grant conceptual PRD plan approval to the <br />project. <br />67 <br />DEC 180 19185 Boa 6 3 Pvu, E '07 <br />