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JA <br />1986BOOK <br />63 inn 219 <br />felt the County is on the right track but <br />that more <br />discussion <br />and input from the community is required. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if convenience stores wouldn't <br />come under the retail category. <br />Director Davis advised that staff has been working on imple- <br />mentation policies and has tables from Lee County. This would be <br />a part of implementation policies. <br />Commissioner Bird believed there is no doubt at all that a <br />convenience store generates far more trips than any doctor's <br />office, but Mr. -Brown stated it would .depend on the size of the <br />facility, and the problem is how many categories can you list. <br />Discussion resumed re the varying fee vs, single fee issue, <br />and Mr. Richardson, who was involved in the Palm Beach litiga- <br />tion, emphasized that he was very comfortable with the idea of <br />the varying fee districts. He felt it was made clear in the <br />Dunedin decision, which is the landmark case in Florida, that you <br />can have varying rates. He further noted that the issue of the <br />distinctions between water and sewer and transportation as they <br />apply to the legal principles that were to be applied in the <br />design of the road impact fees were addressed both by the circuit <br />and appellate courts and the courts determined that there is no <br />distinction as far as the application of legal standards are <br />concerned. <br />Peter Robinson, developer of Laurel Homes, and also <br />representing Treasure Coast Builders Association, reported that <br />the Building Association had a meeting today and reviewed these <br />fees. Mr. Robinson believed we can all find problems with these <br />fees, but agreed we all know it is a fact of life that we are <br />going to get impact fees. He felt it is very important that this <br />county sets up some sort of committee to keep working on these <br />things and keep improving them and believed what is needed is an <br />infrastructure committee that is concerned with nothing else. As <br />far as the different districts are concerned, he noted that in <br />Orange County, they tried to throw all the districts together, <br />12 <br />