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Discussion continued regarding Mrs. Eddy's unique situation, <br />and Mrs. Eddy pointed out that River Run has put their sewer <br />plant up next to her property. She noted that she was not so much <br />concerned about the RM -8 as having some commercial. <br />Commissioner Lyons asked if all three acres in the neighbor- <br />hood node are being used for commercial, and Director Keating <br />advised a site plan has just recently been obtained for it. <br />Discussion ensued at length re the size of neighborhood <br />nodes being reduced over the years, and the fact that Mrs. Eddy <br />never submitted a site plan and so couldn't be grandfathered in. <br />Commissioner Lyons felt the key is that everything depends <br />on timing. If Mrs. Eddy had had a site plan submitted when the <br />others did, she could have had this also. But she didn't; she <br />waited; and things change. <br />The Board members continued to stress that they would like <br />to be sympathetic, but they could not find any legal way to <br />address Mrs. Eddy's request. <br />Planner Shearer felt the only way to accomplish this would <br />be to amend the Land Use Plan and put in a general commercial <br />node of about ten acres or change the Land Use designation to <br />MD -1 for Mrs. Eddy's property, which would be a spot desi.gnation. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that nothing can be done about this <br />tonight in any event, and asked that staff keep looking into it. <br />Laverne Garbers, 335 17th Ave., informed the Board that he <br />owns ten acres on Oslo Road between Tippin's Nursery and the <br />trailer park. Some time ago he came up with a subdivision plan <br />to put a road down the center of it; however, the front part was <br />zoned commercial and the back part residential, and the plan was <br />not approved because they did not want traffic from residential <br />going through the commercial area. Mr. Garbers noted that he was <br />told he could have his property rezoned to 3 units per acre, but <br />he did not feel the surrounding environment, with a trailer park <br />on one side of his property at 6 units per acre and Tippin's <br />13 <br />JAN 14 1986 BOOK 63 P,,GE 238 <br />