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Nancy Offutt, liaison with the Board of Realtors and Chamber <br />of Commerce informed the Board that repeated notices of these <br />hearings were put in the newsletters that went to the 1,400 <br />members of the Chamber of Commerce and to the Board of Realtors. <br />Chairman Scurlock expressed the Board's appreciation. <br />Chairman Scurlock continued to discuss our ability to <br />correct something that has fallen through the cracks, and Commis- <br />sioner Wodtke hoped that Attorney Vitunac could look at the <br />ordinance and provide us with some automatic way to handle such <br />problems. <br />Attorney Vitunac agreed that he can work on this with the <br />Planning staff but did not know of any way to avoid the <br />restrictions of state law. <br />Commissioner Bird believed it has been indicated by the <br />Commission that anything of this nature will be dealt with as <br />quickly and efficient as possible, and it was generally agreed <br />such situations will be dealt with as priority items. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if anyone present wished to be <br />heard. <br />William Bieschke, real estate broker, came before the Board <br />representing the owners of 74 acres on the northeast corner of <br />Ranch Road and Oslo Road. He noted that he and Attorney Bogosian <br />appeared before the Board at an earlier meeting in regard to this <br />same acreage and asked the Commission to include it in the <br />Commercial/Industrial node. It was the consensus of the Commis- <br />sion at that time to refer this back to the Planning Commission <br />to see if it couldn't be placed in that node, and that is what he <br />is asking tonight. Mr. Bieschke emphasized that this area is <br />changing; there is the proposed extension of 1-95, plus the four <br />laning proposed on Oslo Road, and also a change was made across <br />the street for the truss plant. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if the Planning & Zoning Commission <br />has taken a look at the possibility of expanding the node to <br />include this 74 acres, but Commissioner Lyons believed this <br />7 <br />BOOK 63 pn- 2:32 <br />JAN 14 1966 <br />L_ - <br />