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"all other residential" in District 8. <br />Mr. McKnight anticipated <br />marketing the small duplexes to retirees. <br />Chairman Scurlock explained that the ordinance provides an <br />appeal process whereby developers can get their impact fees <br />reduced if they can demonstrate that their development creates <br />substantially less impact. He felt that if the appeal process <br />does not work, we may have to come back at some point in time and <br />add other categories; the ordinance is not etched in concrete. <br />Charles Block, local architect representing numerous clients <br />in all phases of development, asked if the implementation <br />timetable has been discussed. <br />On their arrival, Michael Brown and Craig Richardson of <br />Barton-Aschmann advised that their recommendation is that the <br />impact fees be collected at the time the building permit is <br />issued. The proposed effective date is February 28, 1986. <br />Administrator Wright advised that anyone in line by 5:00 o'clock <br />P.M. on Friday, February 28, 1986, would not be required to pay <br />road impact fees. Those coming in on Monday morning, March 3rd, <br />would have to pay the impact fees. <br />Director Davis advised that staff is developing a series of <br />guidelines for implementing the ordinance. <br />Tom Collins, 1880 Shell Lane, pointed out that the County <br />and the State own large amounts of property on the barrier island <br />and wanted to know if -they would have to pay impact fees when <br />they developed new parks, etc. <br />Attorney Craig Richardson explained that there are <br />absolutely no exemptions; all new development, even public <br />entities, will have to pay road impact fees for any increased <br />traffic that necessitates road improvements. <br />Chairman Scurlock emphasized that all the districts <br />contribute to bridge improvements, not just Districts 1 and 2 on <br />the barrier island. <br />7 <br />JAN 22 1986 <br />BOOK 6 3 F,, -U -C 402o5 <br />