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Approximately 75 acres of land in the eastern portion of the node <br />is located within the 100 year Flood plain as depicted on the <br />Flood Rate -Insurance Map (FIRM) for the area. <br />Access to the Transportation Network <br />The parcels of land located in the proposed enlarged hospi- <br />tal/commercial node have either primary or secondary access to <br />37th Street (designated as a Secondary Collector on the Thorough- <br />fare Plan). <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the above analysis, including the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's recommendation, staff recommends approval. <br />Commissioner Bird felt there has been some confusion on <br />whether or no -t Blocks 14 and 15 of the Geoffrey Subdivision were <br />included in the node. <br />Mr. Shearer recalled that on two separate occasions the <br />Board took the position of not including the two blocks after the <br />Planning & Zoning Commission and staff had recommended their <br />inclusion. <br />Commissioner Lyons asked if proposed boundaries included the <br />triangular piece on Block 13, and Mr. Shearer advised that it was <br />not included. <br />Commissioner Bird hoped that staff's recommendation not to <br />include those blocks was not due to the Board's earlier two <br />decisions as he hoped that staff will continue to recommend their <br />convictions regardless of how the Board votes. <br />Director Keating stated that basically staff was reacting to <br />boundaries that had been previous approved and the addition of <br />the hospital acreage to the xiode. Staff would agree to have <br />those blocks included, as they don't feel there is a problem with <br />it. <br />Chairman Scurlock opened the Public Hearing and asked if <br />.anyone wished to be heard in this matter. <br />Michael O'Haire, attorney representing Jill Pease, owner of <br />property in Block 15, emphasized that he has been before this <br />Board previously on this issue. He did not feel that it made any <br />39 <br />FEB 1.9 '� � BOOK 6 FA F 6 6 <br />