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FEB <br />9 1981 <br />4. The existing zoning pattern; <br />5. Property boundaries; <br />6. Physical considerations; <br />7. Environmental constraints; and <br />8. Access to the transportation network. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />BOOK 63 P UF. 6 t 1 <br />All of the existing medical uses in the general area of the node <br />are included within the proposed enlarged node boundary. These <br />existing uses include: Indian River Medical Center, Indian River <br />Village Care Center, Vero Care Center, Medical Arts Center; <br />Rehabilitation Hospital (under construction), Indian River <br />Associates Medical Office Building (site plan approved), and <br />Rivendell Psychiatric Hospital (site plan approved). The node is <br />surrounded by undeveloped land to the north, existing residential <br />development to the west, undeveloped land to the east, and <br />undeveloped land and residential development to the south. <br />Future Land Use Pattern <br />All of the nodes are generally described in the Comprehensive <br />Plan. The hospital commercial node is described as: <br />A two hundred five (205) acre hospital commercial node is <br />located north of the present Indian River Hospital along <br />37th Street (Barber Avenue). Commercial uses related to the <br />needs of the hospital shall be the primary use permitted as <br />well as residential uses. <br />Based on the Comprehensive Plan's definition of the node as being <br />located north of the hospital, staff has interpreted this to mean <br />that the hospital was not originally considered part of the node. <br />However, now that the hospital and surrounding area is zoned MED, <br />Medical District, it does seem more logical to include the <br />hospital in the hospital commercial node. <br />The proposed node boundaries will include the hospital's property <br />which consists of 75 acres and a 10 acre parcel of land directly <br />south of the Indian River Medical Center property and east of the <br />hospital's property. <br />The proposed enlarged node boundaries follow the existing <br />hospital property boundaries, and transect a parcel of land to <br />the east of the hospital. This is a 29.94 acre parcel of land, <br />and transecting it with the proposed enlarged node boundary will <br />allow the property owner to develop a portion of his land for <br />medical or commercial use. <br />Physical Considerations <br />The slope of the land in the node is from slight to moderate in <br />character; elevations range from 5' to 10' mean sea -level. The <br />soils in the proposed enlarged node possess the following prop- <br />erties: poor compaction and shrink -swell characteristics, and <br />are poorly drained. Overall, the aforementioned physical fea- <br />tures indicate poor development potential. <br />— Environment <br />Generally, the node area is not designated as environmentally <br />sensitive; however, approximately one acre is located in a high <br />marsh area in the eastern portion of the node, as depicted on the <br />National Wetlands Inventory Map. A site inspection on December <br />31, 1985 revealed that there was no standing water on the site. <br />38 <br />