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s � � <br />suggested a comparison of those names to the names on Mr. <br />Malone's petition. He stated he owns property jointly with the <br />Pease and Idlette families and that they presently have a <br />contract with builder Kent Grohne for the sale of the property. <br />After spending a lot of time in the Planning Department and <br />attending the P & Z meetings, they were shocked and dismayed to <br />find out that their C-1 zoning had been changed to residential. <br />He urged the Board to follow the P 8 Z recommendation and rezone <br />it back to commercial. <br />Ellis Buckner, owner of Mr. Boo Boo's Barbeque and a tenant <br />of J. D. Malone, objected to that property being rezoned from <br />commercial to residential. He was concerned that he would not be <br />allowed to operate his business in a residential area and urged <br />the Board to rezone that property back to commercial. <br />Planner Shearer noted that the hospital district does allow <br />carry -out restaurants. <br />A. J. Harris, 1850 38th Place, owner of property on Barber <br />Lane, understood Mr. Malone's position, but was concerned about <br />the effect on the community. He felt that even with a buffer <br />zone, the boundary line would be more appropriate at Barber <br />Avenue instead of behind Blocks 14 and 15. He believed some <br />people would have to relocate and stressed how painful it is to <br />leave one's home. <br />Kent Grohne explained that he is the builder who has a <br />contract to buy the property owned by the Reuter, Pease and <br />Idlette families. He emphasized that he spent several thousand <br />dollars and took his commercial project right up to site plan <br />approval just to find out that the property was rezoned to RM -8 <br />on January 29th. He urged the Board to rezone this property back <br />to commercial. <br />Reverend Elton Charlie Jones, 1710 38th Lane, opposed the <br />inclusion of any of the Geoffrey Subdivision, as he, too, had <br />convassed the community and felt that many people were deceived <br />into signing the petition because they were led to believe that <br />43 <br />F 1 �9�6 BOOK 63 Fs';F 676 <br />