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FEB 19 1986 <br />Attorney Collins pointed out that the triangular piece of <br />property in Block 13 is owned by his client, who took a poll of <br />.the residents in Blocks 14 and 15 to see how they felt about <br />their property being rezoned to residential.. He noted that the <br />majority of the lightly shaded lots shown on the graphic <br />represent residents who are in favor of commercial zoning, and <br />the darker shaded areas represent either out -of -county or <br />out-of-state owners. Only the owners of lots 211 and 212 were in <br />favor of residential zoning. After the January 29th meeting at <br />which the property was rezoned from C-1 to RM -8, Mr. Malone <br />circulated a petition in the neighborhood, specifically, Blocks <br />14 and 15, and received 46 signatures from those who are in favor <br />of commercial zoning. He stressed that the problem is that the <br />RM -8 zoning requires a 20 -ft. front setback and a 25 -ft. rear <br />setback, but Mr. Malone's property is only 25 ft. deep at the <br />widest point and contains less than 6000 square feet. If Mr. <br />Malone removed his present non -conforming use, a tractor service <br />which has been there for 18 years, he would be left with a piece <br />of residential property without the proper lot dimensions to <br />allow a single family home. Mr. Malone is investigating having <br />an alley to the east side of the property abandoned in order to <br />add 20 feet of depth to his parcel. However, that still would <br />only give him space for one single-family home. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if the graphic represented owners <br />or tenants, and J_, D. Malone stated that most of the people who <br />live on those blocks are owners of the property, and they all <br />agreed to it except one lady who said she was sick and couldn't <br />sign, but would go along with whatever the rest of the people in <br />the block wanted. <br />Attorney Collins advised that he had the tax rolls available <br />if someone wanted to check to see who owned what. He stressed <br />that most of these lots were not developed at this point. <br />Cliff Reuter, 517 Camelia Lane, presented a 2 -year old <br />aerial plat map of the area showing the owners of the lots, and <br />42 <br />