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FFFEB 19 1986 <br />BOOK 3 F,.,E 679 <br />issue would come up again and again as long as the entrance to <br />the hospital node remained residential. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wodtke, the Board unanimously <br />closed the public hearing. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, that the Board authorize staff <br />to do whatever is necessary to include Blocks 13, 14, <br />and 15 in the hospital/commercial node. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Bird noted that while he had <br />voted against this twice before, it was because he thought he was <br />trying to protect the residents in that area. After today's <br />input, he felt there is significant support from the residents to <br />rezone those blocks back to commercial. <br />Administrator Wright asked what the timeframe would be if <br />this passes today, and Mr. Shearer advised that they could bring <br />it back within 4 weeks, after the public hearing notices are <br />published. <br />Commissioner Bowman was not convinced that the majority of <br />the people who live in that neighborhood want commercial zoning. <br />She believed that they have been misled and that people would be <br />displaced by the rezoning, and wondered where they would <br />relocate. Previously there had been a hope to obtain a grant to <br />redevelop this property as residential, but there wouldn't be <br />much of a chance of that happening now. <br />Chairman Scurlock intended to vote for the Motion even <br />though he was inclined towards keeping the neighborhood <br />residential as long as possible, but felt his decision should be <br />based on good planning. <br />Commissioner Wodtke wondered if there was anyone in <br />attendance who now feel they were deceived or misled, and asked <br />46 <br />