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Richard Shearer, Chief of Long -Range Planning reviewed the <br />following staff recommenoation dated 2/24/86: <br />TO: The Honorable Members DATE: February 24, 1986 FILE: <br />of the Board of <br />County Commissioners <br />DIVISION HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />(:�� 2".4 SUBJECT: WEDGEWOOD PARK DEVELOPMENT, <br />Robert M. Kea in , A INC., REQUEST TO REZONE <br />Planning & Devel Amen Director 68.4 ACRES FROM A-1 AND <br />RS -6, TO RM -6, MULTIPLE - <br />FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT <br />FROMPtichard Shearer, AICP REFERENCES: Wedgewood Memo <br />Chief, Long -Range Planning CHIEF <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at their <br />regular meeting of March 5, 1986. <br />DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS <br />Wedgewood Park Development, Inc., an agent for the owners, is <br />requesting to rezone 68.4 acres located on the south side of <br />State Road 60, the north side of 16th Street, and one-quarter <br />mile west of Lateral "A" (66th Street) from A-1, Agricultural <br />District (up to .2 units/acre) , and RS -6, Single -Family Residen- <br />tial District (up to 6 units/acre), to RM -6, Multiple -Family <br />Residential District (up to 6 units/acre),. <br />The applicant is proposing to develop this property for multi- <br />ple -family residences. The applicant previously has received <br />rezoning approval for 77 acres of land located approximately one <br />mile east of the subject property on the north side of State Road <br />60. <br />On January 9, 1986, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted <br />3 -to -0 with one abstention to deny this request. The Commission <br />gave as their reasons for denial the facts that they felt a <br />rezoning to a multiple -family zoning category allowing up to six <br />units per acre was not appropriate for this area because it abuts <br />a single-family subdivision to the west and abuts property to the <br />south which is designated as RR -1, Rural Residential 1 (up to 1 <br />unit per 2.5 acres) on the County's land use plan The appli- <br />cants have appealed this decision. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />In this section, an analysis of the reasonableness of the appli- <br />cation will be presented. The analysis will include a descrip- <br />tion of the current and future land uses of the site and sur- <br />rounding areas, potential impacts on the transportation and <br />utility systems, and any significant adverse impacts on environ- <br />mental quality. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />The subject property contains citrus groves and undeveloped land. <br />_North of the subject property, across State Road 60, is Village <br />Green East, a mobile home park development zoned RMH-8, Mobile <br />Home Residential District (up to 8 units/acre), and Vista Planta- <br />tion, a multiple -family condominium.and neighborhood node commer- <br />11 <br />BOOK 63 F,�GE.�� <br />