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• <br />Charlie Wilson, Vero Beach, has been in contact with the School Board for the last six <br />months, and he was disturbed that the information from the School Board was not available in <br />the Study. <br />Administrator Baird interrupted Mr. Wilson, explaining that it was his decision with his <br />staff to remove the School Board, as to not slow up the process, and he said he would take full <br />responsibility. <br />Mr. Wilson continued to inform the Board that he was aware of the fact that the School <br />Board projects losing 500 students a year, and he questioned how the School Board could <br />increase impact fees when they are reducing capacity. He told the Board that the School <br />Board's estimate of population in 2020 is roughly 40,000 more than the County's projection. He <br />posed questions to the Consultant regarding the affordable and achieved LOS, and wanted to <br />know how they are dealing with a surplus. <br />Mr. Tindale provided a general answer, stating that they have been conservative and <br />only charged the minimum the County has achieved, and if they achieved better than they <br />adopted, the Consultant will not let the County charge for it until they have adopted it. In <br />response to Commissioner Davis's request to make it clearer, he said he could put formulas in <br />the report, provide examples, and give them advice to tie the two together in the Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />Mr. Wilson continued addressing the current 2005 Comprehensive Plan methodology <br />versus this Study's methodology. He accused the County of overcharging $50 million dollars by <br />changing the methodology, the starting point, and the way we adopt the Comprehensive Plan. <br />He critiqued further the Affordable Growth Strategy. <br />Mr. Tindale reiterated several times that he was comfortable with the methodology used <br />and the Affordable Growth Strategy. <br />Impact Fee Update Workshop <br />January 22, 2014 11 <br />