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r..1 <br />rounding areas, <br />utility systems, <br />mental quality. <br />BOOK 64 PA. cf. 24 <br />potential impacts on the transportation and <br />and any significant adverse impacts on environ - <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />The subject property is presently being utilized as a landscape - <br />nursery. Located to the north and west of the subject property <br />is land with existing residential uses and zoned RS -6. The land <br />located•to the south is vacant and zoned RS -6. The land located <br />to the east of the subject property and west of the railroad is <br />primarily vacant,. except for a computer business located on the <br />north side of North Winter Beach Road. A mixture of residential <br />and heavy commercial uses is located east of the railroad. <br />Future Land Use Pattern <br />The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property and the <br />property to the north, south, and west as LD -2, Low -Density <br />Residential 2 (up to 6 units/acre). The property located east of <br />and adjacent to the subject property is also designated LD -2; <br />however the MXD, Mixed Use District, is located approximately 300 <br />feet east of the eastern boundary of the subject property. <br />The proposed rezoning is in conformance with the LD -2 land use <br />designation and is consistent with the Winter Beach Small Area <br />Plan and Precise Land Use Map which designates this property as <br />residential at a density of up to 6 units/acre. <br />Transportation System <br />The subject property has primary access to North Winter Beach <br />Road (classified as a primary collector on the Thoroughfare <br />Plan). Both U.S. #1 (classified as an Arterial) and Old Dixie <br />Highway (classified as a Secondary Collector) could also be <br />impacted due to development of this site. The maximum develop- <br />ment which could occur on the subject property with the proposed <br />RM -6 zoning would generate approximately 378 average annual daily <br />trips. This extra traffic would not significantly affect the <br />current level -of -service "A" which exists on North Winter Beach <br />Road, U.S. #1, and Old Dixie Highway. <br />Environment <br />The subject property is not designated as environmentally sensi- <br />tive nor is it in a flood -prone area. The subject property has <br />excessively well drained soils, but it is not located on the sand <br />ridge aquifer recharge area. <br />Utilities <br />The subject property is not presently served by County water or <br />sewer facilities. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3 -to -0 to deny this <br />rezoning request for the reasons given in the description and <br />conditions section of this memorandum. While the Planning <br />Department respects the•Planning and Zoning Commission's opinion, <br />the staff feels that this rezoning is consistent with the Compre- <br />hensive Plan and the Winter Beach Small Area Plan and Precise <br />Land Use Map. Staff also feels that the existing 300 feet of <br />multiple -family zoning is not adequate to buffer the single- <br />family uses from the Industrial District and that this 'rezoning <br />is appropriate for this area. Based on this analysis, staff <br />recommends approval. <br />24 <br />s <br />