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M <br />Commissioner Bowman wished to take exception to staff's <br />statement that this property is not on the sand ridge. She <br />emphasized that the sand ridge is not determined by elevation, <br />but by the geology of the area which determines what grows there, <br />and she believed the area has typical sand ridge vegetation - <br />scrub pine, scrub oak, myrtle, hickory, etc. <br />Vice Chairman Lyons asked if this area were to be developed <br />as single family use, how many units there could be with RS -6 <br />zoning. <br />Chief Planner Shearer stated that, based on the minimum lot <br />size and with water and sewer facilities, there could be about 36 <br />units under a standard subdivision or about 54 with a PRD. <br />Vice Chairman Lyons wondered if public water could be made <br />available by a package plant and well, for instance. He just <br />wished to determine the alternatives. <br />Administrator Wright advised that there is no county system <br />available, but it is possible to achieve the density Planner <br />Shearer is talking about by putting in a small reverse osmosis <br />plant and a sewer plant. <br />Vice Chairman Lyons inquired about the sewer and water <br />service requirements for multiple family, <br />Planner Shearer believed the developer has already worked it <br />out with Environmental Health to get a triplex on each 1/2 acre <br />lot using well and septic tank. <br />Commissioner Bird addressed staff's statement that they did <br />not consider 300' of buffer adequate and wished to know i"f that <br />amount i" unique to this area or fairly consistent up and down <br />the railroad track/U.S.I corridor. <br />Planner Shearer stated that when staff did the zoning con- <br />version, the area that was zoned Industrial extended 600' west of <br />the tracks. The first 300' of that was changed to Light Indus- <br />trial based on the MXD Land Use designation, and the land between <br />300' to 600' was converted to RM -6 based on the LD -2 designation. <br />This is found fairly consistently along the railroad tracks. <br />25 <br />APR 2 1986 BOOK 64 FAcE 2. 05 <br />