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APP' 2 198 <br />BOOK 64 PA,E 26 <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that staff made the statement that <br />the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Winter Beach area <br />plan, which he believed was participated in by the Winter Beach <br />community. However, it seems that there is considerable <br />opposition at this time, and he believed one of the concerns is <br />that this would begin a western sprawl of multiple family. <br />Planner Shearer explained that the Winter Beach Small Area <br />Plan designates this area as residential with a maximum density <br />of 6 units per acre, and it does not specify Single Family or <br />Multi Family; it is basically the same as the LD -2 land use <br />classification and both RM -6 and RS -6 are consistent with that <br />general category. When staff met with the Winter Beach <br />Progressive League, they did try to stress this would allow <br />single or multiple family zoning, and when staff was looking at <br />this property, they felt this probably would be about as far west <br />as any multiple family should go since farther west it is <br />predominantly single family in nature and on fairly large lots. <br />Commissioner Wodtke believed at the same Planning & Zoning <br />hearing where the subject property was considered, another piece <br />was being considered for the same zoning, and he wondered why we <br />are not discussing both of these at the same time. <br />Planner Shearer explained that they had scheduled the other <br />property for this meeting also but were unable to give sufficient <br />notice for them to be heard and the property owners also pre- <br />ferred to be heard separately. <br />Commissioner Wodtke then inquired about the ownership of <br />other property in the vicinity, whether the property to the south <br />is planned for a golf course, and whether .it is the site for <br />potential well fields. <br />Staff advised that part of the property just south and west <br />is owned by Mary Ruth Kincaid and the property directly south is <br />owned by Lost Tree Village Corporation. <br />Administrator Wright did not believe it is the site they had <br />in mind for the wellfields. <br />26 <br />