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and it is an unspoiled area, particularly appropriate for single <br />family homes. Mr. Kirk emphasized that the residents feel the <br />present 300' buffer is adequate and do not want multiple family <br />extended into their single family area. <br />Brenda Sistler, 51st Ave., speaking on behalf of the Winter <br />Beach Progressive League, expressed her belief that they were <br />misled by staff in regard to potential higher densities in the <br />area as they were told this would be very unlikely any time in <br />the near future because of the water and sewer situation. This <br />gave them the impression it simply would never happen and because <br />of that they did approve the small area plan. The League wants <br />to see Winter Beach grow consistently with its past. <br />James Taylor, 65th St., long time county resident, <br />emphasized that theirs is very rural single family neighborhood <br />community and expressed his opposition to three-story high rises. <br />He found it interesting that the developers feel they can market <br />a triplex with only a 300' buffer, but they cannot market a house <br />built on 1/2 an acre. <br />John Hansen, North Winter Beach Road, stated that he took <br />the day off to attend the meeting so he could express his <br />opposition to rezoning to multiple family. He emphasized that he <br />loves this area because of the scrub oak, hickory, and the <br />wildlife, and he purposely moved here from Pompano three years <br />ago just to get away from high density. He was not opposed to a <br />change to RS -6. <br />Carmella Hudson, North Winter Beach Road, stated that they <br />are just`now unpacking and moving into their home. Their son <br />owns 51 acres near to them, and they certainly do not want <br />multiple housing across from them. She noted that she has poor <br />health, and although there is no medical center in this area, she <br />took a chance on moving here because she needs the peace and <br />quiet. She sincerely hoped it won't change. <br />Rebecca Hampton, 69th St., President of the Winter Beach <br />Progressive League, lifelong resident of the area, confirmed that <br />29 <br />21986 BOOK ID4 P,Uc 9 <br />