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ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously awarded <br />the bid for caretaking of the County grove to <br />the low bidder, Sexton Grove Service of Vero Beach, <br />in the amount of $492.50 per acre for the balance of <br />1986. <br />H(a) Resolution Adopting an Amended Schedule of Rates, Fees, and <br />Charges for the IRC Landfill <br />Chairman Scurlock explained that a copy of the new rate <br />schedule is attached to the proposed resolution in today's backup <br />material. He pointed out that various rate changes were agreed <br />upon at the public hearing of March 19th and the increased rates <br />will be effective April 15, 1986. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wodtke, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 86-15 adopting an amended schedule <br />of rates, fees and charges for the Indian River <br />County Landfill. <br />Bernie Higgins of Florida Sludge Service explained that he <br />hauls septic sludge from all the County's plants, and he wished <br />to know what the new sludge rates would be. <br />Commissioner Bird advised that the new rates would be $7.50 <br />for up to one ton or $11 per ton. Mr. Higgins understood then <br />that would increase his rates from $15 a truckload to $300 <br />because there are 30 tons on a truck. <br />Commissioner Lyons believed -Mr. Higgins would have to charge <br />the County for the increase, and Chairman Scurlock felt the <br />bottom line is that the Landfill is not going to subsidize the <br />haulers any longer or the homes in the community that are on <br />septic tanks. They are going to have to pay the cost of the <br />improvements necessary to handle septage and sludge effectively. <br />11 <br />APR 9 1986 BOOK 64 FI�GE 83 <br />