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!)ATE• <br />'T1? 1I <br />LOCATION • <br />November 19, 2015 <br />10:00 AM <br />Conference Room B1-501 <br />County Administration Building B <br />1801 27th Street <br />Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />Anyone \.vho needs a special accommodation for this meeting must contact the County's <br />Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 772 226-1223 at least 48 hours in <br />advance of the meeting. <br />cc: Stan Boling, AICP <br />Community Development Director <br />Karen Deigl, SRA President/CEO <br />Community Transportation Coordinator <br />John lrvinc <br />1'l.) Area 2 Project Manager <br />If you have any questions concerning the items on this agenda, please contact MPO staff at (772) 226-1455 Anyone who may <br />wish to appeal any decision which may be made at this meeting will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is <br />made, which includes rhe testimony and evidence on which the appeal is based Anyone who needs a special accommodation <br />for this meeting must contact the County's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 772 226-1223 at least 48 hours <br />in advance of the meeting. <br />For complaints, questions or concerns about civil rights or nondiscrimination, or for special requests under the American with <br />Disabilities Act, please contact Phil Matson, Title VI Coordinator at (772) 226.1455 or pmatson@ircgov corn. <br />Except for those matters specifically exempted under State Statute and Local Ordinance, the Committee shall provide an <br />opportunity for public comment prior to the undertaking by the Committee of any action on the agenda. Public comment shall <br />also be heard on any proposition which the Committee is to take action which was either not on the agenda or distributed to <br />the public prior to the commencement of the meeting. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national <br />origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Phil Matson at (772) 226-1455 or <br /> at least seven days prior to the meeting. <br />5 <br />