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r APR 1 6 1986 Boor 64, 142 <br />[lj nr <br />the easement to see if they had any problem with any part of it <br />being constrained in some way, it was felt the easement release <br />route was more appropriate. <br />Administrator Wright felt that we have more easement than we" <br />really need, and Chairman Scurlock believed Commissioner Lyons <br />was asking if we are requiring unnecessary easement in the first <br />place. <br />Director Keating advised that we don't have a specific <br />requirement for the easement width. When the applicant came in <br />and platted, this is what he suggested, and staff approved it <br />based on what they thought the utility companies need. Generally <br />the easements are 201. <br />Administrator <br />Wright noted <br />that <br />this particular lot is at <br />the very end of the <br />subdivision, <br />and <br />he did not see where we <br />would ever need the 20' in this case. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED by Com- <br />Missioner Wodtke, the Board unanimously approved <br />Resolution 86-17 releasing the easterly one foot <br />of the westerly 20' utility and drainage easement, <br />Lot 1, Block A, Oakridge Subdivision, as requested <br />by Scott Thigpen and Christopher Pensch. <br />6 <br />