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customer. Franchisee shall provide Roll Carts, dumpsters, or roll -offs, as needed and <br />appropriate. <br />6.2.3. The types of materials included for collection as Program Recyclables may be modified upon <br />mutual agreement between SWDD and Franchisee. Such modification shall be at no additional <br />cost to SWDD unless Franchisee can document that the addition of such items substantially <br />impacts the cost of providing service. A list of materials accepted as Program Recyclables is <br />provided in Exhibit 3. <br />6.3. Backdoor Collection <br />Franchisee shall, at no additional cost to the Residential Customer or SWDD, provide backdoor collection of <br />Solid Waste and Recyclables to Residential Customers who are unable to deliver their Solid Waste or <br />Recyclables to the curb. Franchisee shall commence backdoor collection within one (1) week of notification, <br />in the form of documentation by a medical practitioner, by a Residential Customer. <br />6.4. Procedures for Non -Collection <br />6.4.1. In the event that the Solid Waste placed out for collection does not comply with set out procedures <br />pursuant to this Agreement, with the exception of bags outside of a Roll Cart pursuant to Article <br />6.1.3., Franchisee is not required to collect it. If Franchisee elects to not collect such materials, a <br />non -collection notice shall be placed on the container or non -conforming materials explaining why <br />collection was not made and Franchisee shall notify SWDD pursuant to Article 12.2.2. <br />6.4.2. In the event that Program Recyclables are contaminated through commingling with materials that <br />are not a Program Recyclable, Franchisee shall, if practical, collect the Program Recyclables and <br />leave material that is not Program Recyclables in the Recycling Roll Cart along with a non -collection <br />notice explaining why all materials were not collected. However, in the event that the Program <br />Recyclables and materials that are not Program Recyclables are commingled to the extent that <br />they cannot easily be separated by Franchisee, or the nature of the non -Program Recyclables <br />render the entire Recycling Roll Cart contaminated, Franchisee shall leave all the materials along <br />with a non -collection notice explaining why collection was not made. <br />6.4.3. Franchisee shall develop and produce non -collection notices for solid waste and recycling. The <br />design and content of non -collection notices are subject to approval by SWDD. <br />6.4.4. As further specified in Article 12.2, within one (1) Day of occurrence, Franchisee shall electronically <br />notify the Contract Manger regarding all non -collection events. <br />6.5. Hours and Holidays <br />6.5.1. Residential Collection Service and Residential Recyclables Collection Service shall take place <br />between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. <br />6.5.2. The SWDD Facility is closed on Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New <br />Year's Day. In the event Residential Collection Service or Residential Recyclables Collection Service <br />normal collection day falls on a Holiday, Franchisee will provide make-up collection as directed by <br />SWDD. <br />6.5.3. All collection services following a Holiday shall be one (1) Day after the normally scheduled <br />collection day for the remainder of the week. Saturday collection is required for Holiday make-up <br />collection. <br />6.6. Provision for Universal Residential Collection Service <br />Should SWDD decide to implement universal Residential Collection Service in the Urban Service Area (USA) <br />of the Solid Waste Franchise Area along with any participating municipality, Franchisee shall honor the <br />proposed universal rates provided in Exhibit 1 with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustment. The CPI to be <br />used is defined in Exhibit 4. If the change to universal Residential Collection Service is made between <br />October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2018, seventy-five percent (75%) of the percentage change in CPI <br />between the month of April in the prior year and the month of April in the current year shall be added to <br />Page 11 <br />
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