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MAY 13 1986 <br />BOOK 691 F,g-uF 3 96 <br />Carter Subdivision along U.S. #1 to 37t --h Street; and 3) the <br />wetlands area along the west bank of the Indian River, north of <br />the Main Relief Canal and east of the Vero Beach Country Club. <br />Administrator Wright advised that the County would be glad <br />to present a more thorough statement of our policy in regard to <br />the wetlands. <br />Under item 3, Commissioner Lyons noted that at tomorrow's <br />regular meeting, the County Commission will be considering taking <br />immediate steps to acquiring the right-of-way for the northerly <br />extension of Indian River Boulevard through the wetlands by the <br />hospital. <br />Mr. Little explained that there are some differences betv,r,,-:°) <br />the City and the County e:- i4 ic:: C ty rights. <br />The City has furnished the County with a copy of our Thoroughfare <br />Plan, but it does not impact the County because it is all in the <br />City. The County has sent us a copy of their Thoroughfare Plan, <br />and obviously, there is no great difference. The County has <br />asked that when the City is approving site plans for developments <br />that are going to be on a road that shows up on the County <br />Thoroughfare Plan, we check with them to see if we are going to <br />need some additional right-of-way, and as part of the site plan <br />approval process, secure that right-of-way for them. Mr. Little <br />felt the City is more than happy to take such a recommendation to <br />the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council, but does <br />not feel comfortable, legally or ethically, in demanding it <br />without compensation. <br />Commissioner Lyons noted that these roadways have gone one <br />step further into the Regional Planning Council and show up on <br />their Thoroughfare Plan as regional roadways. The County <br />extracts concessions from developers based on their traffic <br />impact on these regional roadways. He believed there must be <br />some way we could get together on these regional roadways when <br />