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assessment. He felt, however, that these are things which can be <br />discussed as we move along. <br />It was agreed that a resource recovery facility could be a <br />joint effort by the City and County if such a course of action is , <br />found to be cost feasible. <br />PLANNING <br />Under items 1 and 2, it was agreed that the City and County <br />would cooperate more fully in land use planning and redefining <br />City limit lines, with special attention given to the north and <br />south U.S. #1 areas. Commissioner Lyons wished to make sure that <br />the City and County master plans are compatible with respect to <br />boundaries, and the Council and Commission indicated their <br />approval of staff preparing a formal agreement on these issues. <br />Mr. Little advised that the City has reached "agreement on a <br />staff level in regard to deannexing certain areas to the north in <br />order to redefine city limit lines which will make it easier for <br />developers, and Commissioner Lyons added that it will also make <br />law enforcement easier. <br />Mr. Little reported that two of three ordinances on these <br />areas have passed the first reading and public hearings are <br />scheduled for early June. The Council denied the third ordinance <br />which is the wetlands, an area for which the City wishes to <br />remain in control until we see how things work out. That might <br />change after more is learned about what the Regional Planning <br />Council is going to require, and the Council might want to <br />revisit the matter at that time. <br />Robert Keating, County Director of Planning & Development, <br />and Dennis Ragsdale, Asst. Director of City Planning, referred to <br />a map outlining the following three areas proposed for <br />deannexation: <br />1) The area north of the Main Relief Canal along the east side <br />of U.S. #1 up to 33rd Street, which includes the R.D. Carter <br />Subdivision; 2) a 200 -ft. wide strip running north of the R. D. <br />10 <br />MAY 13 1986 =395 <br />J <br />