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Mr Himanshu H Mehta, P.E. GeOSynteCO <br /> 17 February 2016 consultants <br /> Page 4 <br /> Geosyntec will perform the groundwater sampling activities associated with the CVOC plume <br /> monitoring wells. Sampling activities will be completed with a combination of PDB samplers <br /> and traditional low-flow sampling techniques. PDBs are anticipated to be purchased from EON <br /> Products, one of the few suppliers of this type of passive sampling device. This effort is <br /> anticipated to be completed by two people within one day during each of the semi-annual <br /> sampling events to save an additional mobilization (e.g. the PDBs to be sampled during the <br /> winter 2016 sampling event will be deployed during the summer 2016 event after sampling <br /> activities are completed). <br /> Groundwater sampling activities will be executed using a two-person sampling crew and will be <br /> performed in general accordance with the FDEP Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS). The <br /> proposed annual field event will be conducted in summer 2016 (tentatively in June) and will <br /> include sampling of 49 monitoring wells (39 wells using PDBs and 10 wells with traditional <br /> sampling techniques). The annual field event is budgeted to include three days for groundwater <br /> sampling activities and one day for PDB deployment for the next sampling event (total of four <br /> field days). The proposed semi-annual field event will be conducted in winter 2016 (tentatively <br /> in December) and will include sampling of 28 monitoring wells (25 wells using PDBs and 3 <br /> wells with traditional sampling techniques). The semi-annual field event is budgeted to include <br /> two days for groundwater sampling activities and one day for PDB deployment for the next <br /> sampling event (total of three days). Consistent field documentation and field protocols will be <br /> utilized to develop reliable data to support the natural attenuation evaluation for the groundwater <br /> plume. The groundwater samples will be analyzed in accordance with the sampling plan <br /> summarized in the December 2015 Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. <br /> Geosyntec will conduct a complete round of groundwater level measurements coincident with <br /> each semi-annual groundwater sampling event (budgeted for one day with two-person field team <br /> for each event). Depth to groundwater measurements will be recorded to the nearest 0.01-ft in <br /> each monitoring well, including existing monitoring wells and applicable City of Vero Beach <br /> wells (assumed up to 88 wells per event). <br /> It is anticipated that purge water (investigation-derived waste [IDW]) will be containerized in <br /> 55-gallon polyethylene drums and temporarily staged on Site for characterization prior to <br /> removal and disposal. Costs are included herein for two 55-gallon polyethylene drums and <br /> oversight of drum disposal concurrent with one of the sampling events. <br /> Overall, budget has been included for nine field days with a two-person team (i.e., 18 man days) <br /> and associated field expenses for sampling, plus four hours for IDW management. <br /> XR 16005\XR 16001.docx <br /> engineers I scientists I innovators <br />