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Proposal for Materials Testing Services Page 4 <br /> Old Dixie Highway Resurfacing ■ Indian River County, Florida <br /> March 2, 2016 o Terracon Proposal No. PHB161007 <br /> Invoices for our services will be directed to the addressee of this letter unless we are <br /> directed otherwise. Payment is due within thirty (30) days following receipt of an invoice. <br /> D. SITE ACCESS AND SAFETY <br /> Indian River County (IRC) shall secure all necessary site related approvals, permits, <br /> licenses, and consents necessary to commence and complete the services and will <br /> execute any necessary site access agreement. <br /> At Terracon, we all have a personal and uncompromising commitment to everyone <br /> going home safely each and every day. Our safety program, Incident and Injury Free® <br /> is about care and concern for people. It is our personal and organizational commitment <br /> at all levels of the company and is where safety is held as a core value as well as an <br /> operational priority. Working safely is an inseparable part of working correctly, just as <br /> much as other operational priorities, in particular quality, profitability and schedule. IIF <br /> is our commitment to our people and others, who we value for who they are and what <br /> they do. /IF is not just something we do, it's in everything we do. <br /> As part of our IIF process, we will prepare a "Pre-Task Plan" to identify the potential site <br /> safety and job hazards associated with your site. Our Pre-Task Plan will identify and <br /> prepare our personnel to be able to handle conditions such as but not limited to traffic <br /> control, environmental contamination, site access issues, overhead and underground <br /> utilities, adverse weather conditions, and personal protection equipment and will <br /> continually be reviewed and reevaluated throughout the field work activities. We <br /> understand that each site is unique and may contain different safety conditions and as a <br /> company to protect our personnel as well as others, we look at each site individually to <br /> identify the potential concerns. <br /> E. TESTING AND SAMPLING <br /> The above services will be provided under an as-requested basis. Additionally, we <br /> request a 48-hour notice to schedule our services. <br /> IRC understands that testing and sampling are discrete procedures, and that such <br /> procedures indicate conditions only at the depths, locations, and times the procedures <br /> were performed. Terracon will provide test results and opinions based only on the <br /> field/laboratory tests in the areas tested. IRC understands that testing and sampling are <br /> 1rerracon <br />