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kessler consulting inc. <br />innovative waste solutions <br />EXHIBIT A — WORK ORDER NO. 2 <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />FOR <br />FEASIBILITY OF SOLID WASTE PROCESSING AND RECYCLING SERVICES <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The purpose of this scope of work is to assist Indian River County (County) in exploring the feasibility of <br />developing solid waste processing and recycling capacity in an effort to maximize diversion of waste <br />from the landfill. This scope include two phases. Phase 1 includes two tasks. Task 1 is to conduct an <br />initial feasibility evaluation and Task 2 entails conducting a competitive procurement for such services. <br />Based on the results of Phase 1, KCI will work with County staff to negotiate and develop a final contract <br />with the selected vendor. <br />Task 1— Initial Feasibility Evaluation <br />KCI will assist in exploring the interest of private sector vendors in partnering with the County to develop <br />solid waste processing capacity in order to recover recyclables, organics, and possibly energy with the <br />objective of assisting the County in achieving 75 percent recycling. Anticipated activities include the <br />following: <br />• Review previous County RFP for alternative processing technologies. <br />• Participate in a kick-off call with County staff to confirm processing options of interest, identify <br />potential vendors to meet with, and discuss a proposed timeline. <br />• Request from County staff information that might be relevant or of interest to potential vendors <br />including, but not limited to, acreage and location of County land that might be available for <br />facility development, any environmental studies or information pertaining to this land, <br />guaranteed waste flow, and potential capital investment by the County. <br />• Coordinate and participate in up to two days of one-on-one meetings with selected vendors for <br />the purpose of gathering information, as well as meet with the owner of the construction and <br />demolition debris processing facility located across from the County's solid waste facility. <br />• Contact additional vendors to acquire additional information as needed. <br />• Prepare a brief technical memorandum that summarizes the results of the meetings and <br />outlines the parameters to be included in a procurement document if sufficient interest is <br />expressed to continue with Task 2. <br />• Assist with presenting the results to County Commissioners in order to obtain direction on <br />continuing with Task 2. <br />Task 1 Deliverables <br />• Technical memorandum, submitted electronically <br />• Participation in up to two days of vendor meetings, one day of meetings with Commissioners, <br />and conference calls as needed. <br />14620 N Nebraska Ave., Bldg. D, Tampa, FL 33613 I Tel 813.971.8333 I Fax: 813.971.8582 1 <br />Work Order 2 Scope v4 <br />