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Exhibit A <br />Scope of Services <br />Upgrade to Traffic Signal System <br />Indian River County <br />The proposed automated traffic management system is designed to collect real time traffic count data <br />which can then be utilized to facilitate traffic -adaptive operation along signalized corridors, to project <br />future traffic needs, and to allow more efficient incident management. The system will be capable of <br />automated reporting and data sharing utilizing email. The proposed traffic count locations are designed <br />to accommodate the PARTICIPANT's existing concurrency management/ link count segments as well as <br />future traffic -adaptive locations. <br />EQUIPMENT <br />The equipment to be supplied by the vendor/controller manufacturer is compatible with the existing <br />system already in place in Indian River County. The count stations will consist of traffic adaptive system <br />modules and data collection modules. The modules will be equipped with Bluetooth for field data <br />collection. <br />PHASING <br />A five phase project, to be submitted by the vendor, poles to be installed by the PARTICIPANT's current <br />signal maintenance contractor, and to be implemented by the PARTICIPANT is proposed as follows: <br />PHASE l: SR -60 <br />Consist of nine count stations on SR -60 between 90th Avenue and 20th Avenue, a six -and -one-half mile <br />segment. Six of the count stations will be utilized for advanced detection for real-time traffic -adaptive <br />traffic management. The real-time traffic -adaptive traffic management system will consist of five traffic <br />signals along SR -60 at 66th Avenue, Indian River Mall/Hedden Place, 58th Avenue, 53`d Avenue/Wal-Mart <br />and 43`d Avenue. This is a two mile long adaptive traffic management corridor segment. <br />PHASE 2: Indian River Blvd. <br />Consists of two count stations and five real-time traffic -adaptive signals on Indian River Boulevard / SR60 <br />at 17th Street and also at Beachland Boulevard (Barber Bridge), a 1.3 mile long adaptive traffic <br />management segment. Due to the close proximity of the traffic signals, advance detection will function <br />through the use of both video detection from the upstream intersection as well as the radar. <br />PHASE 3: US-1/SOUTH <br />Consists of six count stations on US -1 between Highland Drive and SR -60, a five mile long segment. The <br />count stations are located to cover existing link counts and future real time adaptive traffic management <br />along US -1 between SR -60 and 4th Street. <br />Page 11 <br />