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PHASE 4: US -1 SEBASTIAN <br />Consists of eight count stations and five real-time traffic -adaptive signals on US Highway 1. This adaptive <br />system will included, CR -512 EB at US Highway 1, CR512 WB at US Highway 1, Main Street & US <br />Highway 1, Jackson Street & US Highway 1 and Roseland Road & US Highway 1, a 2.6 mile long <br />segment. The count stations will be used existing link counts and traffic adaptive advance detection. <br />PHASE 5: US -1 /NORTH <br />Consists of thirteen count stations on US Highway 1 between SR -60 and the city of Sebastian, a 9.8 mile <br />long segment. The count stations are located to cover existing link counts and future real-time adaptive <br />traffic management on US 1 between 23rd Street and 53rd Street. <br />IMPLEMENTATION: <br />Indian River County intends to have the current signal maintenance contractor, currently under contract <br />with Indian River County, install the proposed poles to house the radar equipment. The additional <br />equipment such as solar panels radar units and antennas are proposed to be installed by Indian River <br />County Traffic Operations Staff Technicians. <br />Page 12 <br />