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CONSULTANT will estimate the annual emission rates of non -methane organic compounds and <br />volatile organic compounds from the Landfill gas to determine the COUNTY I's status with regard to <br />operation and reporting requirements of the active landfill gas collection and control system under <br />the New Source Performance Standards requirements. <br />Annual Emissions Fee <br />The Electronic Annual Operating Report (EAOR) application used for reporting to FDEP will <br />automatically calculate the annual emission fee for the facility. CONSULTANT will notify COUNTY of <br />the fee amount. Once the check is in -hand, CONSULTANT will submit the fee on COUNTY's behalf <br />prior to the April 1 deadline. <br />Visible Emissions Testing <br />CONSULTANT will contract with a certified observer to perform the annual visible emissions test in <br />order to determine the opacity of the flare. CONSULTANT will provide oversight of the annual <br />visible emission testing of the flare, notify FDEP of the time and location of the test, and prepare and <br />submit to FDEP a report of the test results. <br />TASK 5.0 - GENERAL TECHNICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE <br />CONSULTANT will provide general technical and permit compliance assistance to COUNTY staff on <br />an as needed basis. COUNTY staff is performing a number of the tasks required annually by the <br />current FDEP landfill permits. CONSULTANT will provide support as needed for the COUNTY staff <br />as they perform these tasks. <br />General technical and permit compliance assistance tasks may include: <br />• Reporting required by the Multi -Sector Generic Permit for stormwater discharge; <br />• Quarterly monitoring and reporting of the landfill gas monitoring wells located at the <br />COUNTY Landfill site boundary, as well as enclosed structures located on site; <br />■ Preparing agenda items for and attending Board of County Commissioners meetings; <br />• Developing annual COUNTY budgets; and <br />• Miscellaneous permit renewals or technical support. <br />■ Sampling and reporting for additional monitor wells, surface water, leachate, etc. <br />• Assistance in reviewing the MPIS prepared by others. <br />ASSUMPTIONS <br />• This Scope of Services and cost proposal is based on solid waste operations Permit Nos. SC31- <br />0128769-019 and S031-0128769-020 and the groundwater monitor wells, leachate sampling <br />sites, and surface water monitor sites that are installed as of the date of this work order. <br />• CONSULTANT understands that additional new or replacement groundwater monitor wells will <br />be installed in the future under Permit Nos. SC31-0128769-019 and S031-0128769-020. <br />Sampling of proposed new or replacement groundwater monitor wells required by Permit Nos. <br />SC31-0128769-019 and S031-0128769-020 beyond those currently installed and monitored <br />(41 in January and 25 in July) are not included this Scope of Services. <br />• Laboratory analysis is not included in this Scope of Services. <br />• This Scope of Services and cost proposal is based on the Title V Permit No. 0610015 -004 -AV, <br />which is the current permit as of the date of this work order. <br />A-5 <br />111626.docx <br />