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water quality testing (conductivity, chlorides, silt density indices—SDI's and sand <br />testing). Consultant will provide up to 240 hours of on-site hydrogeological <br />services (ILA) for well #7. <br />Consultant will review drilling, geologic and geophysical data and provide <br />recommendations for casing setting depths and completion intervals. Consultant <br />will review completion interval drilling and testing data and recommend if acid <br />treatment is necessary, review acid treatment and testing plans. Consultant will <br />review pump test results and provide recommendations for permanent pump <br />setting depth and recommended in service pumping rate. <br />Consultant will coordinate water quality testing, which includes clearance water <br />quality in accordance with FDEP regulations and additional water quality for <br />membrane projections. Water sampling will be provided by Indian River County's <br />approved laboratory. <br />Consultant will provide contract document interpretation, shop drawing and pay <br />request review and change order requests. These construction phase services <br />assume the well location, and formation water disposal determined above will not <br />change during construction. Shop drawing submittal will be reviewed for <br />conformance with the intent of the contract documents. Shop drawing will be <br />submitted directly to the Consultant. The Consultant will review the submittal and <br />return copies to the contractor and Indian River County Utilities. <br />KHA will prepare a well completion report for well #7, including a summary of the <br />Iithologic logs, field logs, hydrologic and water quality data, and preparation of <br />figures, data, lithogic logs, and appropriate attachments. <br />The well completion report and data will be used for future well clearance when the <br />wells are placed into service. Up to six (6) final copies of the report will be <br />furnished to Owner. <br />It is anticipated that the construction phase from notice of award to final completion <br />will take approximately eight (8) months. <br />The installation of the well pump, column piping, and electrical service for <br />operation of the well #7 is assumed to be included under the drilling and <br />rehabilitation phase. Consultant will attend up to four (4) onsite progress meetings <br />to discuss progress, review construction related issues, and provide coordination <br />where needed. <br />KAWPB_Civil\044572029 - Well 7 Construction \Scope\IRCU Floridan Well Rehab Scope - IRCU rev4 wo F0.docx Page 5 of 8 <br />