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mangrove alteration at the sea wall site as it is very hard to <br />tell what was there beforehand. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt we should take "before" and "after" <br />photographs, but Director Keating pointed out that it would be <br />very difficult to get a "before" shot in many cases because we <br />don't know far enough in advance what is planned. With regard to <br />the Ambruit Development Corporation permit application, it <br />appears that some mangroves were cut beforehand without a permit, <br />and staff is working with the Urban Forester to determine just <br />when they were cut. He emphasized that it is very difficult to <br />enforce tree protection and mangrove alteration. <br />Commissioner Bowman questioned #3, where they are proposing <br />to build, south of Ambersand Subdivision, a 20 -ft. wide driveway <br />across a salt pond. She emphasized that those salt ponds are <br />already in critical shape because they were cut off from the <br />river when the road was built; there is high salinity; and there <br />is not enough oxygen in the water to support mangrove roots. She <br />proposed that we require the installation of culverts under that <br />road so that the two remaining salt ponds can wash. Commissioner <br />Bowman recalled that a number of years ago an owner on the other <br />side of AIA was required to put in a culvert under his roadway, <br />but just ignored it. She believed that unless we get tough, <br />people will continue to try and get away with these things. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously <br />authorized staff to forward the comments set out <br />above to the DER; with the added recommendation that <br />the installation of roadway culverts be required on <br />Item #3 - Application No. 31-130621-4. <br />Robert Keating, Director of Planning & Development, <br />announced that Michael Miller has been named Chief of <br />Environmental Planning, replacing Art Challacombe who recently <br />moved to Hawaii. <br />BOOK 7 , r�uC 5'136 <br />MAR 10 1987 13 <br />