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7/23/2015 11:59:18 AM
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6/12/2015 1:32:00 PM
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ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS: <br />There are a number of alternatives available for structuring a <br />public participation process. Basically, public participation can <br />involve workshops, public meetings, public hearings, committee or <br />subcommittee meetings, charettes, community surveys, and other <br />mechanisms. In fact, a successful public. participation process <br />will probably involve a combination of some, if not all, of these <br />activities. <br />most important, however, is identifying the primary public par- <br />ticipation entity. It is necessary that some committee, agency, <br />commission, or group be designated as the prime public participa- <br />tion entity. In its capacity, the designated group would work <br />with the staff to secure adequate community input during the <br />comprehensive plan preparation process. <br />Several major options exist for establishing a public partici- <br />pation entity. First, the LPA (the Planning and Zoning Commis- <br />sion) can also function as the County's comprehensive plan citizen <br />advisory committee. Under this alternative, the P&Z would be <br />responsible for conducting meetings and obtaining publi input for <br />each of the eleven required comp plan elements. The disadvantages <br />of this option are the time demands on the P&Z members and the <br />limitation on the number of residents who would be on the advisory <br />committee. <br />A second alternative would be to appoint a separate citizens <br />advisory committee which would be responsible for as fisting the <br />staff in plan preparation and in obtaining public Nput. With <br />this scenario, the CAC would still make recommendations to the <br />Planning & Zoning Commission which would still be responsible for <br />making final recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />The citizens advisory committee could be structured in one of <br />several ways. The CAC could be a separate group of individuals <br />appointed by the Board of County Commissioners; alternatively, the <br />CAC could be formed with the P&Z as its nucleus and other inter- <br />ested persons appointed to serve. By having a relatively large <br />CAC with the P&Z as its nucleus, subcommittees could be formed to <br />work with the staff on each element, and one P&Z member could be <br />appointed to each subcommittee; this method disperses work and <br />time demands, maintains liaison between the P&Z and the advisory <br />subcommittees, and allows broad representation from a wide variety <br />of interests. <br />Supplementing either alternative should be a technical advisory <br />committee. Composed of planners (or representatives) from other <br />jurisdictions and various other technical -type persons, the TAC <br />would provide assistance to the staff and, like the citizens <br />advisory committee, submit recommendations to the P&Z. Through <br />the TAC mechanism, the County can obtain input from the municipal- <br />ities within the County, adjacent counties, other governmental <br />entities, private sector technical interests, and various groups <br />with expertise in certain fields. Also included in the technical <br />advisory process should be the various standing committees (e.g. <br />Parks & Recreation, Beach Preservation, and Finance Advisory) <br />related to required comprehensive plan elements. <br />An important aspect of a Citizens Advisory Committee is that it be <br />representative of the community. For that reason the CAC should <br />include representatives from all geographic parts of the County as <br />well as representatives from a variety of occupations, profes- <br />sions, special interest groups, and community organizations. On <br />March 26, 1987, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unani- <br />mously, 7-0, to recommend that the Board establish la citizens <br />advisory committee comprised of the seven Planning and Zoning <br />Commission members and twenty other concerned citizens. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners establish <br />13 <br />APR 2 1 °937 <br />BOOK <br />
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