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rAPR 2 Z M7 <br />BOOK 68 PA JE 128 <br />a comprehensive plan citizen advisory committee with the Planning <br />& zoning Commission comprising the core of the committee and the <br />remainder of the committee being composed of approximately twenty <br />County residents representing a cross-section of the County. it <br />is recommended that the Board direct the Citizens Advisory Com- <br />mittee to establish subcommittees and work with staff to develop a <br />specific public participation plan for comprehensive plan develop- <br />ment. Staff also recommends that the Board establish a technical <br />advisory committee to work with the staff on plan development. <br />Commissioner Eggert commented that if they must have a com- <br />mittee this large, she felt it must have a definite leader and <br />she would like John Tippin to chair it, if we are going to do <br />this at all. Her first choice, however, would be for the <br />Planning & Zoning Commission to cam/ this on just as was done <br />before through the whole Comp Plan hearings. <br />Commissioner Bowman stated that her first choice would be to <br />kick it off with an American assembly where you would get a big <br />turnout; then you could organize and see how this goes. <br />Chairman Scurlock was against forming any big committee. <br />Commissioner Eggert believed Alternative I is for the <br />Planning & Zoning Commission to handle this, and that is what she <br />felt we should go ahead with. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler, to approve Alternative I. <br />Planning Director Keating advised that the state rules <br />basically just state you have to come up with a public participa- <br />tion plan to be sure citizens have access to the process and have <br />the ability to give input. He believed this time there will be a <br />lot more focus on elements other than just Land Use, and the idea <br />was to take some of the burden off the Planning & Zoning <br />Commission by having a separate citizen's advisory committee that <br />included the Planning & Zoning Commission, and then you could <br />break it into sub -committees that could work on the individual <br />elements. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt you do not have continuity when <br />you have so many people and no central thrust. <br />14 <br />