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Commissioner Wheeler expressed his belief that something of <br />this type may be needed as he felt times may have changed and <br />there is more interest and more awareness of what the Comprehen- <br />sive Plan does to the County as a whole than there was five or <br />six years ago. <br />Commissioner Eggert, Commissioner Bowman, and Chairman <br />Scurlock, all stated emphatically that there was extensive <br />participation by the public when the Comprehensive Plan was <br />created; in fact, the entire plan was gone through element by <br />element at public hearings which had such large attendance they <br />had to be held at the high school auditorium. <br />Commissioner Bird felt if you put 27 people on an advisory <br />committee, it will slow the whole process down, and Commissioner <br />Eggert believed that when there is a committee, the temptation is <br />to let the committee do it. She realized the department's <br />problem, but did not feel this is the answer. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed our professional staff prepares <br />the basic document, and he did not want a committee voting on how <br />we do this all the way through it because that is too cumbersome. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />J. Budget Amendment_- Library <br />The Board reviewed memo of OMB Director Baird: <br />15 BOOK <br />APR 2 1 19987 <br />