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t <br />felt if it is just a few dollars difference we would be better <br />off with county people as far as service is concerned. <br />OMB Director Baird advised that we go low bidder even if it <br />is within $1,000 or less if there are equal specifications. We <br />look out for the tax dollars. <br />County Attorney Vitunac informed the Board that state law <br />says you can take the local consideration only when the bids are <br />equal, but if the bids are designed so that some factors can be <br />better served by a local bidder, than that's another story. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED BY Com- <br />missioner Bowman, the Board unanimously rejected all <br />bids submitted for Bid #347 and authorized the pur- <br />chase of the FORD Model 555B tractor Loader and <br />backhoe from state contract for the amount of <br />$27,057.00 as recommended by staff. <br />K. Gifford Area Sewer Pro <br />The Board reviewed memo from the Utilities Director: <br />L_ JUL 14 lb -87 <br />(Rehab <br />B00Kbd <br />15 <br />