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Jim Wadsworth, Sebastian, believed that cuts should be made <br />in Personnel which shows an increase over last year's budget of <br />$43,075. <br />(Administrator Balczun explained that the principal cause for <br />that I ncrease is due to the fact that the County now has a <br />professional, fully -trained Personnel Director. We have enormous <br />retention difficulties here, and we are hoping the new director <br />will,resolve these problems. He pointed out that the Personnel <br />Director also handles a substantial portion of employee insurance <br />matters. <br />Mr. Wadsworth still felt there could be a reduction in <br />Personnel, and continued to suggest places where cuts could be <br />made, such as Refuse, Animal Control, and Clerk to the Board. <br />OMB Director Joe Baird explained that the increase in Refuse <br />is tc cover the transfer stations where people dump free and it <br />is transferred to the Landfill, and Chairman Scurlock pointed out <br />that 'if we were to eliminate one Animal Control Officer, it would <br />barely affect the millage rate. He also pointed out that we are <br />in the process of developing a new system that would charge for <br />dumpi',ng at the transfer stations. <br />,Director Baird explained that the Clerk to the Board budget <br />includes Data Processing, Finance, and Recording Secretary <br />Departments, and noted that the major portion of the increase in <br />the Clerk's budget is due to capital items such as the computer <br />system. <br />,Chairman Scurlock pointed out that in any event the Clerk <br />has the option to go to Tallahassee for final approval of her <br />budget. He noted that the Clerk was the only constitutional <br />officer who chose to send a representative to tonight's meeting. <br />Don Hylton, Data Processing Manager, noted that he was here <br />on his own and had not been sent by the Clerk. He explained that <br />the Clerk has had a total of 57 employees for the past 3 years <br />and there has been no increase there; the increase is for the <br />highispeed printer for month-end reports. <br />15 <br />SEP 2 687 <br />BOOK 69 PAcE 246 <br />d <br />I <br />