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homes',. Mr. Moriarity felt possible the answer is to keep <br />changling faces on the Board until we get somebody who is going to <br />hear jus. He again referred to running a corporation and noted <br />that he does not believe in zero budgeting where you spend <br />whatever surplus you have and zero out at budget time. <br />Chairman Scurlock advised that zero budgeting has not been <br />the attitude of this Commission, and he further pointed out that <br />there is a basic difference between running a corporation and <br />government. In a corporation, you can divest yourself of the <br />losers, but we can't drop mental health, law enforcement, the <br />jail,! etc. <br />Mr. Moriarity continued to ask pertinent financial <br />questions, and Chairman Scurlock believed with his business <br />backg ound, Mr. Moriarity could assist the county in the <br />budge,ary process and he would like to have him serve on the <br />County Finance Committee. <br />Mr. Moriarity indicated that he would be interested, and <br />then asked if tonight's meeting is just an exercise in futility <br />and whether we are here tonight just because the law requires two <br />public hearings before the budget is adopted. <br />The Commissioners assured him that this was not an exercise <br />in futility, and Commissioner Bird felt that the people would be <br />surprJsed to find that cuts will be made as a result of the input <br />of this meeting. <br />Mr. Moriarity felt strongly that we have to tell Tallahassee <br />that we cannot accept these mandates to increase services any <br />longer, and Commissioner Wheeler suggested that we all go up to <br />Tallahassee together and protest. <br />inda Woodard, 111 15th Avenue, Vero Beach, asked if the old <br />jail ould be used to alleviate the overcrowding at the new Jail, <br />and C mmissioner Wheeler explained that the old jail is in such a <br />deplorable state that there is no way the DOC would relicense <br />that facility. <br />17 BOOK 69 PACE 2418 <br />d <br />