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1987,1 which is 6 months through our budget year, the contingency <br />budget was drawn down to $469,084. <br />Mr. Orr asked just what is a contingency, and Mr. Baird <br />expl ined that it is an unforeseen expense. <br />Chairman Scurlock further explained that when we start the <br />new budget year, there is a gap of about three months until the <br />tax revenues start coming in. <br />Mr. Orr asked if the 12 month figure for salaries is equal <br />to wt at is actually paid in 12 months. <br />Director Baird explained that contingencies also includes <br />some money for raises for the Board and the Sheriff, as well as <br />for any unforeseen expenses, and Chairman Scurlock confirmed <br />there is a pool of about 5% for salary expense; we have two <br />unio s we negotiate with; so, we budget it in the reserve until <br />afters negotiations. <br />. Orr believed this is beginning to sound like a budget <br />within a budget, but Director Baird pointed out that during this <br />budg't year, the state all of a sudden mandated that we needed <br />more officers for the jail, and that was an unforeseen event. <br />Director Baird further pointed out that we had a chance for a two <br />million dollar grant from the state to buy beach property and <br />needed $700,000 cash for our share. We would have missed out on <br />that grant if we could not have come up with our share. <br />Mr. Orr continued to discuss the reserve for contingencies, <br />and the Chairman believed his point is well taken. <br />Mrs. Debbie Menendez, Floravon Shores, stated that the <br />Reserve for Contingencies has an 158% increase, and she felt that <br />is outrageous. She certainly hoped the Board would look at it a <br />little closer. <br />Chairman Scurlock agreed we can reduce that amount, but then <br />when an emergency occurs, and we have to get the money from some <br />other place, it could mean we might not be able to grade roads, <br />17 �oaK 69 PAGE 341: <br />HP S 19 7 <br />