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kEP �7 dooK 69 Fa43-42 <br />T <br />would have to freeze hiring needed personnel, etc. This also <br />must be balanced out with how it would affect our bond ratings. <br />He assured those present that we have been looking at the <br />Contingency; in fact, Commissioner Bird questioned this from the <br />very beginning. <br />Mrs. Menendez stated that she was disappointed by the token <br />gesture made by the Commission last week and also felt some of <br />the comments quoted in the newspaper reflect a lack of <br />sensitivity to the will of the people. She noted that not all <br />local governments are asking for a huge tax increase. An <br />official of a neighboring community was quoted as saying it is <br />just too easy to start depending on the ad valorem tax, and that <br />municipality is asking input from the people through a referendum <br />on proposed increases. Mrs. Menendez stated the majority of the <br />people do not feel the magnitude of this increase is acceptable, <br />and they do not want excuses such as lack of Federal Revenue <br />Sharing. They want the Commissioners to do their job, control <br />expenditures and bring the property tax increase in line with the <br />growth rate. She noted that the total assessed property rose <br />only 6% and that should have provided some kind of a reasonable <br />guideline for budget growth. <br />Chairman Scurlock advised that he does agree that ad valorem <br />taxes are the most inequitable taxes and basically relate to <br />nothing. He noted that one of the things we are going to be <br />looking at, and must do it before next March 8th, is the question <br />of putting before the public a referendum in regard to <br />transferring some of the burden from ad valorem taxes to sales <br />tax. For example, for our jail, we passed a 14 sales tax for one <br />year; this totally funded that jail, and it was spread over a tax <br />base that was much larger.. That same ability is now available to <br />the county through a referendum, and he estimated it would <br />generate about 6 million dollars. <br />18 <br />