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Discussion continued in regard to a possible referendum, and <br />Commilssioner Wheeler noted that while he was not opposed to a <br />referendum, he believed that quite often ballots are ruled by <br />emot!'Ion rather than logic. The $25,000 Homestead exemption, for <br />instance, was supposed to amount to a decrease in taxes. It <br />passod overwhelmingly, and it actually is one of the largest <br />reasons for tax increases over the last years; then, to cover <br />that,J the state raised sales taxes, which helped them, not us. <br />He n ted that they tried Proposition 13 in Florida, but the state <br />leg! lature shot it down through the court systems. Commissioner <br />Wheeter agreed the local Commission is responsible to some <br />degree, but the legislature and the Governor are responsible for <br />the Taxes, and they are up in Tallahassee, and if you can't <br />afford a lobbyist, you can't get to them. He believed, however, <br />tha0 arge groups of citizens, such as represented here tonight, <br />can and do have an impact. <br />issioner Eggert emphasized that if those present feel a <br />local option sales tax is a good idea, they should let <br />Tall!Ihassee know as soon as possible because she believed a Bill <br />has teen filed to repeal it. <br />Mrs. Menendez believed the Board must look at an alternative <br />to t e ad valorem taxes, and Commissioner Eggert urged her to <br />call Tallahassee. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that last year, Florida was about <br />46th of the states in regard to taxes, but that is changing <br />rapidly. <br />Martin Edson, Starboard Drive, believed you must chop where <br />you have the heaviest weight, which is the Sheriff's budget. He <br />noted that crime is dropping, which he believed results in part <br />from neighborhood patrol. He felt we are building an empire for <br />4 1 <br />SEP S d90 19 Boor. 69 PA, 343 <br />