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Commissioner Wheeler believed we are back at the same spot <br />we were last week. Contingencies is a significant amount, and it <br />would be really nice to say go ahead and reduce it. He did not <br />want to sit here and look like we are not willing to bend. but we <br />did bend last week, and he, for one, is comfortable with the 1.2 <br />million figure, especially considering the bonding rate we get. <br />Commissioner Eggert stated that she felt pretty much the <br />same way. She is looking at the two libraries and the <br />possibility of interfund borrowing, and it is much cheaper to do <br />that than put out two bond issues. <br />Commissioner Wheeler emphasized that he is interested in <br />doing what is responsible for the whole county, and he felt we <br />should have adequate reserves. <br />The Chairman advised that, if the Commissioners have no <br />further comment, he would at this time entertain Motions to set <br />the millage rate for the General Fund and to adopt the budget. <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that there are two standard <br />Resolutions that need to be adopted - one for millage and one for <br />budgets, and he would ask the Chairman to read those Resolutions <br />aloud in their entirety for the General Fund and then after the <br />remaining funds are reviewed, simply read the Resolution titles <br />if no one present has any objections. There were no objections. <br />Chairman Scurlock thereupon read aloud in its entirety <br />proposed Resolution 87-85 establishing the millage rate for the <br />General Fund at 4.871 which is 22.20 over rollback. <br />L- <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Wheeler, Commissioner Bird being absent, <br />the Board unanimously (4-0) adopted Resolution 87-85 <br />establishing a millage rate of 4.871 (22.20 over <br />rollback) for the General Fund for fiscal year 1987-88. <br />27 <br />BOOK 69 FACE 351 <br />