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SEP 1987 BOOK 69 PAGE 350 <br />that professionally, he could not recommend the Board bring the <br />Reserve to one million, possibly to $1,150,000 with some risk. <br />He pointed out that we will be incurring expenses incidental to <br />capital projects for which we won't yet have secured funding, and <br />when you get yourself in that position, you do interfund <br />borrowing. <br />Director Baird further noted that Fleet Management has a <br />$300,000 deficit, and the auditors have been on him for two years <br />since that has a negative cash balance. <br />Administrator Balczun felt it should be explained for the <br />record that is an accrued fund deficit. We did get rid of a <br />bunch of people there, and will have to get rid of more, but we <br />still have to clean it up on the books. <br />Discussion continued, and Commissioner Wheeler asked what <br />percentage 1.2 million is of the total budget. <br />Director Baird advised that it is 4.890, and the national <br />average is 50. <br />The Chairman asked Utilities Director Pinto about the <br />$112,000 for the service we are providing with the green <br />dumpsters where no revenue is generated. <br />Director Pinto advised that in following years, that <br />department is being transferred into Utilities and will be <br />incorporated into the Landfill. These dumpsters get a tremendous <br />amount of use, and he would not know how to do away with them. <br />The Chairman believed we need some way to charge, but <br />Director Pinto pointed out that if you do, we will get garbage <br />all over the road, and if you man these stations, you increase <br />your cost 600. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked how much is in the Reserve for <br />salaries in the General Fund, and Director Baird stated around <br />$350,000 and that includes the Sheriff and the Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br />26 <br />