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E <br />(Rolando Menendez, 626 Paradise Lane, Floravon Shores, noted <br />thatihe was here last week when the people discussed how they <br />felt about a 20% increase and were arguing that an increase of no <br />more than 10% would be reasonable. Mr. Menendez noted that the <br />increase in the Sheriff's operations, for instance, is $603,000, <br />which happens to be approximately 9.60; so, although the <br />Sheri!ff's increase is large and it is a significant part of the <br />budget, it is holding to the 10% the people talked about. The <br />County Commissioners' budget, although the amount is insignifi- <br />cant, has an increase of 13.40, and the Property Appraiser, even <br />after reflecting the decrease just mentioned, still has an <br />increase of 12.50. Mr. Menendez understood that some of these <br />things are not under the Commission's control, but there are many <br />items that are not mandated, and he emphasized that the people <br />are here to try to enforce some discipline and attempt to have <br />some icontrol over the numbers we can control. He noted that the <br />numbers in the newspaper show an increase in value of assessment <br />in the county of 60, not the 20% rate the County is taxing, and <br />Mr. Menendez wanted the Commission to bring down the costs within <br />thein, grasp to a number less than 100. <br />irman Scurlock noted that some of the items mentioned by <br />Mr. Menendez are small items in the 12/13% range, but the jail, <br />for instance, which is mandated, is a million dollar item; so, it <br />is algreater percent of the total. Primary Care is now mandated, <br />and Ut is an $89,000 item that didn't even exist last year. <br />Also,i Contributions for Transportation is an item that was paid <br />three years ago by the federal government, but those funds have <br />been taken away, and we went from 0 to $90,000 in that time. <br />Part of the increase for the Board is in the Commissioners' <br />salaries, which are mandated by the Legislature based on <br />population and cost of living. Also included in the Board's <br />increase is a computer to replace five word processors, which IBM <br />is no longer producing. Personnel is basically the same, but we <br />have elevated one clerk/receptionist to a senior secretary. <br />s I <br />9 BOOK 69 FACE 3:33 <br />